The Plan

A brief summary: We want from northern Germany through China to Australia. In a 400,- € VW bug.


Twosome we want leave Germany to hit the road in springtime 2009 with a view to Australia. After the start in Germany our direction will be south east for more than 25000 km (15625 m). We want to Australia but not by plane, no, we want to make it on the country way. On search for a real challenge, we chose a car which is probably a little unconventional for such a trip. Instead a jeep or a bully we chose a VW bug. The advantage of this car is the simple mechanics, because not one of us has got a diploma in car mechanics or such.

The awesome 34 horsepower’s and our fortune will bring us through 17 countries, 10 time zones, the veldt of  Kazakhstan, the back-country of China, passing the Himmalaya and over the street of Malacca right away to Australia.

As calculate with a overall travel time of 4 to 6 months.

We already have the car and two driver, when you want to support us, for instance in form of a tankful, then get in touch with us, what are you waiting for?


Watch this for getting an idea of the plan.